Episode 2

Yen Cast First | Season One, Chapter Two | Nilfgaardians of the Galaxy

A bard, mage, merchant and witcher walk into a Cintran bar...

Chapter two sees our misfit band of heroes (?) further establishing their heist plan, infiltrating the royal castle, stealing plans and taking part in a shanty or two.

And your players for this tabletop session are as follows:

Jesse Thomas: The Game Master

Will Sayers: Barclay (The Merchant)

Jono Pech: Shadrach (The Witcher)

Matt Stillone: Ronnie Gian Franco Destino III (The Bard)

Brendan White: Cass Voltana (The Mage)

Podcast produced by Rowey Tech and powered by Audio-Technica

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Much love, #stayhumble and #stayhungry

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ATECRIT: A Roleplaying Podcast

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Brendan White